North Metro Psychological Services
Counseling and assessment services in Marietta, GA
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Therapists at NMPS are active in the mental health community. Here are their insights and resources on mental health.


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Navigating the Diagnostic Journey: Finding Comfort and Community in Neurodiversity

In the realm of neurodiversity, embarking on the diagnostic journey can feel like navigating uncharted waters. For many, obtaining a diagnosis is not the end but the beginning of a more profound journey of self-discovery and community building. This post delves into the significance of the diagnostic process and the importance of finding your herd — a community that understands and shares your experiences.

Understanding the Importance of a Diagnosis

A diagnosis can serve as a beacon, illuminating the path to self-understanding and acceptance. It provides a framework for recognizing the unique ways in which we process the world around us. For individuals suspecting they might be neurodiverse — whether it's ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), or other neurodivergent conditions — a formal diagnosis can be the key that unlocks the door to tailored support and strategies.

  1. Validation of Experiences: Receiving a diagnosis validates personal experiences, confirming that there are reasons behind particular challenges and strengths.

  2. Tailored Support and Interventions: With a diagnosis, individuals can access targeted therapies, accommodations, and support systems designed to aid their specific needs.

  3. Self-acceptance: Understanding one's neurodiversity fosters self-acceptance, encouraging individuals to embrace their unique perspective and abilities.

Finding Your Herd: The Value of Community

Discovering a community of like-minded individuals — your "herd" — can be a transformative aspect of the neurodiverse journey. Within these communities, whether online or in person, individuals find not only acceptance but also the shared wisdom of those who have navigated similar paths.

  1. Shared Understanding: Communities provide a space where individuals can share experiences without the need for explanation or justification.

  2. Resources and Strategies: By connecting with others, neurodiverse individuals can learn about effective coping strategies, resources, and advocacy tips.

  3. Empowerment and Advocacy: There's strength in numbers. Being part of a community can empower individuals to advocate for broader societal understanding and acceptance of neurodiversity.

How to Start Finding Your Community

Finding your herd may seem daunting, but there are more resources available than ever before:

  • Support Groups and Organizations: Many organizations dedicated to neurodiversity offer support groups, workshops, and events.

  • Social Media and Online Forums: Platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and specific websites for neurodiversity are great places to start connecting with others.

  • Local Community Centers and Schools: These may offer groups or can direct you to nearby resources.


The diagnostic journey is a pivotal step toward embracing your neurodiversity, but it's the community that you find along the way that truly enriches the journey. Remember, finding your herd doesn't just mean discovering where you belong; it's about finding a space where your unique stripes are celebrated, and your voice is heard.

If you're on the path to diagnosis or seeking your community, remember that North Metro Psychological Services is here to support you. We offer comprehensive assessments and a welcoming environment to help you navigate your journey of self-discovery and connection.

Jasmine Green