North Metro Psychological Services
Counseling and assessment services in Marietta, GA
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Therapists at NMPS are active in the mental health community. Here are their insights and resources on mental health.


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Supporting Neurodiverse Loved Ones: A Guide for Families and Friends

In the colorful spectrum of human experience, neurodiversity introduces unique perspectives and talents that enrich our lives. For those navigating the world differently, the support of families and friends is invaluable. This guide outlines how to offer understanding, encouragement, and effective support to neurodiverse loved ones, complemented by a list of resources to deepen your insight into neurodiversity

Embrace Empathy and Understanding

Understanding starts with empathy, putting ourselves in the shoes of neurodiverse individuals to appreciate their unique challenges and strengths.

  • Educate Yourself: Leveraging resources is key to gaining insight into neurodiversity. Consider exploring:

    • Books: "NeuroTribes" by Steve Silberman and "The Reason I Jump" by Naoki Higashida offer enlightening perspectives.

    • Websites: The Autism Society ( and Understood ( provide a wealth of information on neurodiverse conditions.

    • Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera and Udemy feature expert-led courses on autism, ADHD, and more.

    • Support Groups and Forums: Engage with online communities such as Reddit or Wrong Planet ( for shared experiences and advice.

  • Listen Actively: Foster open communication, allowing your loved ones to express themselves freely, enhancing mutual understanding.

Create an Inclusive Environment

An environment that recognizes and respects differences is crucial for neurodiverse individuals to thrive.

  • Advocate for Accessibility: Support the implementation of accommodations in all settings to meet their unique needs.

  • Promote Understanding: Help others see the value in neurodiversity and the importance of inclusivity.

Foster Independence and Celebrate Strengths

Empowerment comes from encouraging independence and recognizing the unique contributions of neurodiverse individuals.

  • Encourage Autonomy: Support them in making decisions and tackling challenges, providing guidance as needed.

  • Highlight Their Talents: Focus on their interests and abilities, encouraging them to pursue passions and recognize their strengths.

Communication is Key

Effective communication forms the foundation of support, fostering trust and a deeper connection.

  • Adapt Your Communication Style: Be willing to adjust your communication to meet their needs, whether through clear language or visual aids.

  • Provide Constructive Feedback: Offer feedback that is supportive, focuses on solutions, and promotes learning and growth.


Supporting a neurodiverse loved one is a journey of love, patience, and continuous learning. By embracing empathy, fostering an inclusive environment, celebrating their strengths, and communicating effectively, we can help them navigate the world with confidence. At North Metro Psychological Services, we're committed to providing the resources and support needed to empower neurodiverse individuals and their families.

Interested in learning more about how to support your neurodiverse loved ones or seeking guidance? Visit us at North Metro Psychological Services for more resources and guidance or schedule a consult with us.