North Metro Psychological Services
Counseling and assessment services in Marietta, GA
North Metro Psychological Services for Children and Adults - Marietta & Metro Atlanta GA.jpg

Testing Process

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Learning Disability Evaluations (Dyslexia/Dysgraphia/Dyscalculia)

Accommodations Assessment

Gifted Program Eligibility

Psychological Evaluations

504/IEP Consultation (Special Education)

Cognitive and Achievement Testing

Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disability

ADOS-2 evaluation (available with Russian and Spanish assistance to facilitate parental communication/report)

ADHD and Learning Disability Screenings

Specialized assessment for OCD/PANDAS/PANS

Personality Testing For Personal Insight and treatment recommendations

Testing Process for Psychological Assessments

At North Metro Psychological Services, we offer comprehensive psychological evaluations for both adults and children. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual's strengths and challenges to guide future recommendations and interventions. Below, you will find a detailed outline of our testing process for both children and adults.

For Children:

1. Virtual Intake Session:

Parents or guardians will have an initial virtual consultation to discuss concerns and provide relevant background information. This session typically lasts about an hour.

2. Testing Sessions:

While the exact number and duration of sessions can vary based on a child's age, we generally schedule two main testing sessions. Additional sessions may be required based on individual needs. During these sessions, we will conduct:

  • Comprehensive Intelligence Testing: Assessing general cognitive abilities.

  • Comprehensive Academic Testing: Covering all areas of academic function.

  • Neuropsychological Testing: This includes assessments for auditory and visual memory, processing speed, visual motor and visual perception skills, phonological processing skills, and a computerized attention evaluation.

  • Behavioral and Social/Emotional Assessment: To better understand a child's behavior and emotional well-being.

3. Comprehensive Written Report:

After all testing sessions, our team will compile a thorough report detailing the findings.

4. Feedback Session:

A session lasting between 60-90 minutes, where we will discuss the results, provide recommendations, and hand over the written report.

For Adults:

1. Testing & Clinical Interview:

During the initial appointment, adults will partake in a comprehensive clinical interview. Following this discussion, the necessary tests will be administered depending on the type of evaluation selected, which will include a combination of the following:

  • Intelligence Testing: Assessing general cognitive abilities.

  • Academic Testing: Covering all areas of academic function.

  • Neuropsychological Testing: Evaluations for auditory and visual memory, processing speed, visual motor and visual perception skills, phonological processing skills, and a computerized attention evaluation.

  • Behavioral and Social/Emotional Assessment: To better understand the individual's behavior and emotional well-being.

3. Comprehensive Written Report:

After all testing sessions, your clinician will compile a thorough report detailing the findings.

4. Feedback Session:

A session lasting between 60-90 minutes, where we will discuss the results, provide recommendations, and hand over the comprehensive written report.

Screening Process for ADHD and/or Autism for adults:

This service is designed for those seeking self-knowledge without the need for a formal report. The process includes:

  • Assessments: Before your appointment, you'll be asked to complete necessary paperwork and questionnaires pertinent to ADHD and/or Autism.

  • Clinical Interview: This allows us to gather detailed information from you.

  • Collateral Interview: If possible and available, an interview will be conducted with a partner, family member, or friend.

  • Computerized Attention Assessment (ADHD only)

  • Duration: The assessment typically lasts about 2 hours.

  • Outcome: At the end of the evaluation, you will be provided with diagnostic impressions and recommendations for the future. While this option offers an official/formal diagnosis, please note that NO written report or documentation is provided.

For more information, specific concerns, or to schedule an initial consultation, please contact us.

Navigating Your Assessment Options:

Check out our Screening vs. Comprehensive Assessment guide to determine the right assessment direction for you.


Ready to schedule an assessment?


800 Kennesaw Avenue
Suite 250
Marietta, Georgia 30060

Contact us for a free 15 minute consultation. We would be happy to speak with you.

(770) 485-3224